We’ve been focussing on the H2O theme and how water is a powerful metaphor in Scripture: the River of God, “drinking” deep of the Holy Spirit, being thirsty for God’s presence. So let us not forget about baptism. Baptism is important.
What is baptism and what is it about?
It is one of the sacraments that Jesus himself set in place for the Church. It has origins in ceremonial washing in Judaism. Noah and family in the flood is a ‘type’ of baptism(1 Peter 3:20-21). Moses and the Red Sea crossing are a precedent for baptism (1 Cor. 10:1-4). So then it is very much connected to salvation – a symbol (and more!) of being dead to sin and alive in Christ. (Romans 6:1-1-4).
Have you been baptised and do you know the power of your baptism?
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