Having a true sense of belonging is a basic human need; to know that at least in some form we are part of a family and have a place we can call ‘home’. This is not by accident but part of God’s design for us. Our Creator God has revealed himself as the originator of family as he is Father, Son and Holy Spirit – three persons in one perfect communion of being. Apostle Paul wrote that every family in heaven and earth derives their name from our heavenly Father! (Ephesians 3:14-15)

A true sense of belonging can be sensed almost immediately – like somehow you just know that you’ve come home, that this place is safe and you can be yourself. We hope you experience that from the moment you walk into Lifeway! At the same time, belonging will grow and flourish by having time and commitment to real relationships and to the church family.


As we gather together, Jesus has promised to be with us (Matthew 18:20). Indeed, he said that he is always with us (Matt. 28:20) as we follow Him. This is true as the Spirit of Christ dwells amongst us and in us. At Lifeway, we value worship very highly – and gathering together for worship and to hear from the Lord through Scripture and prophecy is one of the most special and beautiful opportunities to encounter Him. When we turn our focus wholly on our beautiful God, expressing our awe and wonder at who He is, we also receive life and transformation from Him.

Let us always value this opportunity and not neglect the importance of meeting together for worship.

If you would like to know more about our worship music team please look at the Worship page and contact Pastor Dave to talk about getting involved.

Life Groups

Making it a personal priority to regularly attend a Life Group is very effective at building our sense of genuine community and belonging. We grow in friendship with each other, and in knowledge and intimacy with God as we study the Bible, pray together, and take time to encourage each other. Doing life together with Jesus at the centre is the very core and foundation of being Jesus’ disciples.
It’s what we’re MADE for.


Money can be a real touchy subject in the church! And it has certainly been a point of contention for many reasons. But here’s the thing – money is a reality of this world. We all need money for a home, for food, a car, provisions – you name it! The church is a kind of family too and Jesus did speak a lot about money – how we can think about and use money in healthy ways that exercise trust in him and a generous mindset that reflects God’s generosity towards us.

FREEDOM, one of our five key words, is at the centre of what the New Testament teaches us about finance and giving. Alongside freedom must come maturity and responsibility of course. If you’d like to know more about what the New Testament teaches us in this area or how to give to Lifeway, please read our Giving page and find the details for our banking etc.