Becoming intimate with God

“Become intimate with Him, in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go.” 

Proverbs 3:6 TPT

We have been fasting as a church community for a week and a half now and the sole aim is to become more intimate with God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). A quote I read said this; “Fasting is an outward expression of an inward commitment to pursue God.”  When we are fasting, we are pursuing more of God by putting aside the things that our flesh craves and wants, and take the time to become more intimate with God. 

How do we become more intimate with Him?  We spent time WITH Him, we spend time LISTENING TO Him, and we spend time with UNDIVIDED ATTENTION ON Him.  In this message,  I am focusing on two times in the New Testament where fasting is spoken about; one time is in Luke 4:1-14 when, after He was baptised, Jesus goes into the wilderness and is fasting and the enemy tests and tempts Him. Satan targets Jesus’ identity, which is exactly what he still does to us today.  We need to know who we are in Christ and in this message I share a bunch of scriptures and truths about that (a list put together by Joyce Meyer).  When tests and temptations come, we need to (just like Jesus did) throw these back in the enemy of our soul’s face! 

Another time we read about fasting is when some of the prophets and apostles were gathering in Acts 13:1-3.  It says “while they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said…”. They were together in one accord, fasting and praying and listening and waiting. Together. Prayer and fasting go hand in hand. Pete Scazzero (author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality) – when he’s speaking about the prayer life of Jesus says that prayer is a two way communication; a communion between heaven and earth. For Jesus, prayer is firstly about communion with his Abba Father, and secondly, in prayer and time with his Father, Jesus gets clarity about his ministry direction.” 

Let us keep making room for intimacy with our amazing God, with no other agenda than to stay close to the One who knows us the best and has the best for our lives.