Being devoted to Jesus and to each other means walking in OBEDIENCE AND HUMILITY. There is no other way to be a true disciple of Jesus. His life posture was obedience to the Father and humility as He served.
This really challenges our culture today which says “look after yourself, make sure you have enough, store up your super, take out insurance for everything”. We can ask God for wisdom in these things, however, we look to the Lord to be our source and provide all our needs. So we don’t need to hold onto possessions, or be worried we are not looked after. God is looking after us and He invites us to participate in looking after each other.
As well as the sincere faith and love that was shared amongst the first Christians, they also had an extraordinary outpouring of generosity towards each other. Acts 2:44-45 says,
All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.
Sometimes to put “legs” on things is helpful. So we are going to do a practical exercise together to help us grow in this area of Discipleship. As a way of practicing sharing our needs and meeting the needs of others, we are going to use Post-It notes. (If you weren’t there on the day, don’t worry, it will have some ongoing format of sharing and responding).
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