While praying for his disciples (and all who would follow after), speaking to God the Father, Jesus said…
“You live fully in Me and now I live fully in them so that they will experience perfect unity, and the world will be convinced that You have sent Me, for they will see that You love each one of them with the same passionate love that You have for Me.
I have revealed to them who You are and I will continue to make You even more real to them, so that they may experience the same endless love that You have for me for Your love will now live in them, even as I live in them.
John 17:23,26 TPT
The Heavenly Father has the same love and passion for you as he has for his son, Jesus! Do you truly believe that the Father loves you as His son just as much and with the same degree that He loves His Son Jesus? This is the extraordinary revelation that Paul wrote about in God declaring us to be His children, His adopted sons (sons and daughters – equally as heirs in Jesus Christ).
The message of full adoption into sonship is one of the most profound and amazing truths of the gospel
(See Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4:4-7, Romans 8:14-16.)
We trust you will be blessed by this message brought by our guest speaker Candace Lahr (One Church Network, Perth WA).
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