Our Story

The story of Lifeway Church begins in 2013 when God started speaking to Caroline and Dave Dennis about stepping out in faith to begin a new community of people who love and worship Jesus Christ. During the time of seeking God about where this new venture should be located, Caroline had a vivid dream of the Morton Bay Fig Tree that is a feature of the Town Green precinct in Port Macquarie. In this dream, God said this new community was to be like the tree: a place of fun and laughter, where people feel safe to explore life with Him and discover who God is. The dream of the tree resonates with a description of the Kingdom of God spoken by Jesus:
“What is the Kingdom of God like? How can I illustrate it? It is like a tiny mustard seed that a man planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and the birds make nests in its branches.”
Luke 13:18-19 (NLT)
As Dave and Caroline were part of the senior leadership team at Community Church Hornsby, they consulted the Elders and Senior Pastor who agreed that God was the author of this new vision and supported the planting of a new church. As the vision was shared, God spoke to others also and a team of people committed to going with them and they made the move to Port Macquarie in January 2015. The began gathering regularly as a house church in lounge rooms and on the beach in the open air in early March 2015.
Our Name and DNA
The name “Lifeway” is an expression of who we know God has called us to be as a group of believers. In Acts chapter 5, the apostles are told to “Go … give the people this message of life!” (Acts 5:20 NLT) and we are following in response to that command. Jesus is the Life (John 14:6), His words are life (John 6:63), and to follow Him is a Way of Life. The earliest Christians were known as “followers of the Way“. Hence our name, Lifeway, sums up the vision, purpose and identity that drives our mission.
We are a community of people who are passionate about following Jesus’ life and example; intimately knowing God as a kind and loving Dad, living in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, and loving authentically. The message of Jesus Christ is life-giving Good News for all who are ready to receive it!
We believe the Bible is fully inspired by God and is given to us so that we can know Jesus – God’s ultimate self-revelation and the source of truth, freedom and life in the Holy Spirit, We are all about loving and honouring people as God’s children who are dearly loved by Him, and valuing community with doors open to all who desire to know Him better.