Our Core Beliefs about God, the Bible and everything!
Our Statement of Faith is intended to reflect our Core Beliefs regarding the Bible and the foundations of our faith found within it. Our beliefs fall in the mainstream of protestant, evangelical, biblical theology, with a Charismatic/Pentecostal emphasis.
We believe…
- the Bible to be the inspired Word of God
- in God, the Creator, who has revealed himself in the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- in the Deity and sinless humanity of Jesus Christ, and his miraculous ministry, his suffering and death on the Cross as our Saviour, and his resurrection from the dead
- that Jesus will return to the earth as the final judge of the living and the dead
- there is a real devil
- that all people fall short of God’s glory and holiness, but can freely find forgiveness through faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ
- that all people who have put their faith in Christ will experience a transformation of life, exemplified by repentance and holiness
- in Christian Baptism of those who have proclaimed faith in Christ (our usual practice of baptism is by full immersion in water)
- in regularly celebrating Communion in remembrance of Christ’s saving work on the cross
- in the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit
- that God heals the sick today through active faith in his grace
- in the power of prayer
This Declaration of Faith reflects the beliefs and values expressed in the Charter of CRC Churches International.