A Christ-centred and Spirit-empowered People
The church is called by God to be a Christ-centred and Spirit-empowered people, who display the love of God through lives transformed by the Spirit's presence and power.
The church is called by God to be a Christ-centred and Spirit-empowered people, who display the love of God through lives transformed by the Spirit's presence and power.
God has designed us to support and love one another in community. But unity is not uniformity – the uniqueness of the different parts are what make up a healthy body.
How much has internet streaming media changed our patterns of consumption and commitment of media? Once upon a time we had to wait for the shows that we loved and got enjoyment from. In my case, as a child I LOVED watching Thunderbirds and I made sure that as far as possible I didn't miss an episode! The problem in our modern era of such convenience is that we can binge-watch shows and if we lose interest we just drop it and move on. There is little need for the kind of patience and investment that was demanded of us when we had to wait a week for the next episode, or wait half a year for the next season of something. Now we suffer from an over-supply of options! But real life does not benefit from that kind of easy-come-easy-go pattern, and to follow Christ demands a kind of whole-of-life investment. But that is where the real reward lies,…
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of LIFE - He is LIFE ITSELF sent to us as the personal indwelling presence of God. How are we to know Him so personally?
The Church - God's people - are anointed for beauty and for glory, together God is making a "living" temple that declares His message of salvation, redemption, and restored intimacy with Him.
We need the Holy Spirit, not just to be the agent of our salvation, but to be the active presence, life and power of God that constantly flows through us.
What is extraordinary about the early church is that they actually began to live in obedience to God's command in a way that Israel was never able to. It is because of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit that we (Christians) can live in such radical love and generosity.
Acts 2:42-47 gives us a picture of how God was shaping the lives of the first Christians in ways of devotion and love that transcend culture.
Sharing stories! From time to time we give opportunity for anyone to share the stories of how God is or has been at work in our lives!
What the Father says of Jesus, He says also of you. Through Jesus, we may become the beloved daughter or son of God. This is what it means to be "born of God" (John 1:12-13).