Joy - it is NOT a personality! It is a fruit of the Spirit. It is a gift from God. Joy is not happiness - it is NOT dependent on our circumstances, but a belief rooted in the deep truth of who God is.
Paul says to Timothy, and hence to us, "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season; Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching."
It is so encouraging when we share our stories of God's work in our lives. Caroline leads us in an encouragement to recall and write down some of the good things that God has been showing His kindness and faithfulness.
Our culture today says “look after yourself”. However, we look to the Lord to be our source and provide all our needs. We don’t need to hold onto possessions, or be worried we are not looked after. God is looking after us and He invites us to participate in looking after each other.