Sunday Gathering Live Stream – August 30, 2020

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The Nature of Transformation Worship led by Liz. Great message by Aaron - "The Nature of Transformation" There are many metaphors and images by which God has revealed and continues to reveal His nature to us. These metaphors are pictures of how God works in our lives to bring new life and transformation. In what ways is He speaking to you and revealing Himself to you today? What is the transformation that you are undergoing right now with the help and power of the Holy Spirit?

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Sunday Gathering Live Stream – August 23, 2020

  • Post author: Continuing our 'Transformation' series! Learning to be malleable by God, as clay in the Master Potter's hands, to flow with Him and not resist His process of transformation. Also this week - welcome to Justin as worship leader for the first time with Lifeway! We were so blessed in this beautiful time of worship as he led us together into the presence of God.

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Sunday live stream – July 12, 2020 Worship and preaching led by Dave. Today's message focuses on being people whose hearts are set on journeying deeper into God and into his love, his power and purposes for our lives. As we move through uncertain times, we must fix our minds on heavenly things, not on earthly things, on the "city" that God is building which has eternal foundations and not temporary ones. Psalm 84:1-71 Peter 2:4-5, 11-12Jeremiah 29:7Colossians 3:1-4Hebrews 11:10, 13-16Hebrews 13:14

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Sunday gathering – June 28, 2020 Our first live Sunday Gathering in several months! We decided that it was time to soak in God's presence as we worship him together. Many thanks to Hartley and Natalie Taylor and C3 Church in Port Macquarie for allowing us to use their brilliant facility. If you desire to contribute financially to the ministry of Lifeway Church please go to our online giving page for details.

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