To Know the Lord

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We all want to know God. Some say it is impossible to know God - that He is beyond our knowledge and comprehension. Are you seeking to know God more? Will you be open to Him and allow Him to put his life and truth into your heart?

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The Journey to Promise Fulfilment

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I saw a humorous instagram post by @churchdude.withsign that read "God told me that 202223 is going to be my year!" It's funny because sometimes people can have questionable interpretations of things they believe God has promised. But in reality, how many of us struggle with feelings of disappointment when we are not seeing answers to things that we believe God has promised us? Well, there is good news for us … our God most certainly is a God of miracles, a God who heals and delivers us from our troubles. But so often, God is more interested in the formation of our faith and character rather than just our immediate relief from suffering. There is a realm of mystery…

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God Is Present

Jesus promised "I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matt. 28:20). This has profound implications for us in our daily lives and how we live in light of His presence and power being always with us.

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“Special OPS”

First Sunday gathering after the summer break! We welcome pastors Dave and Caroline back from a month in the UK. God is with us, wherever we go and whatever we do. His presence is powerful! With the Holy Spirit's presence and power we are "SPECIAL OPS" Observe - what God is doing and how His presence is being made manifest to youPonder - think about that and what God is saying and what he's showing youScribe - write it down, with the intent to pass it on and make His name famous!

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Seeing the Unseen

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Our imagination, just like our body, mind and spirit, is affected by sin and begins life as something that can be deceived, used by Satan even. How can our imagination be trusted? Under the dominance of sinful nature, it can’t be trusted! But God wants to redeem our imagination and make it holy.

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