Palm Sunday – Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Brooke Cherfils takes us on the journey of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This passage is rich with prophetic imagery and fulfilment of many Old Testament descriptions about the Messiah...
Hi Lifeway friends! A very Happy New Year to you all - 2022 is here!!! This is a time for us to re-focus, continuing to fix our eyes on Jesus and remain centred on what He is setting before us. We feel that in 2022 the Lord is asking us to dedicate ourselves to a supernatural lifestyle of prayer, worship, and discipleship in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has always been, and always will be, about these things! Let’s follow Father, Son and Holy Spirit into 2022 and be ready and excited for what’s ahead. Leadership Team – some of you may have missed this important piece of news that we announced in November; we now have a local leadership team for Lifeway. We took a lot of time seeking the Lord on who He was highlighting to us, and we also sought wisdom and guidance from Ps Josh and the Eldership at our Hornsby church too, and so we have been…