A mother’s extraordinary faith!
There are some aspects of Jesus' encounter with a Phoenician woman which may seem confronting, and yet it is clear that God rewards real faith and those who earnestly seek him, no matter where they come from!
There are some aspects of Jesus' encounter with a Phoenician woman which may seem confronting, and yet it is clear that God rewards real faith and those who earnestly seek him, no matter where they come from!
God may allow us to be uncomfortable as we pursue a life of faith in Him, but being uncomfortable is not the same as being unsafe. Maybe it's time to step out!
"Become intimate with Him, in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go." Proverbs 3:6 TPT We have been fasting as a church community for a week and a half now and the sole aim is to become more intimate with God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). A quote I read said this; "Fasting is an outward expression of an inward commitment to pursue God." When we are fasting, we are pursuing more of God by putting aside the things that our flesh craves and wants, and take the time to become more intimate with God. How do we become more intimate with Him? We spent time WITH Him, we spend time LISTENING TO Him, and we spend time with UNDIVIDED ATTENTION ON Him. In this message, I am focusing on two times in the New Testament where fasting is spoken about; one time is in Luke 4:1-14 when, after He was baptised, Jesus goes into the wilderness and is…
Following Jesus in life means being radically (re)aligned with him in everything. Only then may we discover all that he has for us.
This is part 4 of a 4-part serious from Acts 16 about the life of a disciple of Jesus.You can listen to the previous episodes here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Acts 16: 25-40 This episode of this amazing story from Paul's ministry picks up with Paul and Silas in prison, having been wrongfully attacked and dragged before the magistrates for casting an evil spirit out of a slave girl. But despite their dire circumstances, they are found praising God and singing hymns of gratitude to God. In a dramatic turnaround, not only did God rescue Paul and Silas from the prison, but in doing so the jailer and his household came to believe and trust in Jesus also! Life of a Disciple –thinking like Christwalking like Christ, responding like Christand flowing with Holy Spirit.
The life of a disciple – thinking like Christ, walking like Christ, responding like Christ and flowing with Holy Spirit. Caroline Dennis To listen to previous messages in this series: Part 1 | Part 2 In this message, Pastor Caroline continues exploring what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, based on the events recording in Acts 16. Picking up the story in Acts 16:11, we see that Paul and his companions sought for the place in Philippi where people would commonly go to encounter God - "the place of prayer" down by the river. As they engaged in conversation with the local people, the Lord opens the heart of Lydia - a woman of strategic importance and the first Christian convert in all of Europe!
Following Jesus means doing whatever it takes to communicate the good news of Jesus in different ministry contexts.
Exploring what it means to be a disciple, through looking at the example set by Paul and his companions in taking the gospel message to the gentile nations in Acts 15-16.
So why would God let one rock strike in Meribah prevent Moses from seeing the land God had promised Israel? What can we learn from Moses' big mistake...
John 2:1-11 There are many great things about this story, and there is a lot of depth in it (the symbolism of wine, water, ceremonial jars, glory, etc), but I am going to touch on just a couple of the things I believe the Lord is wanting us to capture from it...