The Father’s love for Jesus is the same as His love for YOU!

The Heavenly Father has the same love and passion for you as he has for his son, Jesus! Do you truly believe that the Father loves you as His son just as much and with the same degree that He loves His Son Jesus? This is the extraordinary revelation that Paul wrote about in God declaring us to be His children, His adopted sons as heirs in Jesus Christ.

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A Candle-lit Dinner with Jesus (John 12)

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Romans 8 tells us that Holy Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are children of God; He confirms in us the things that the Father sees and says about us. But do we listen to what He says or discredit the witness because of the blockages in our soul? How often do we harden our heart against the things that our God is saying to us? Let's explore John 12 to see what this looked like at a 'candle lit dinner' with Jesus.

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Becoming Strong in Faith

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The synoptic gospels all record an account of Jesus healing a demonised boy after the disciples were unable to do so. The story is powerfully instructive as to why sometimes our faith can be so weak (or even non-existent if we're honest!) and Jesus gave us the clues of what to do about it! In this message pastor Dave unpacks the passage in Mark chapter 9:14-29 (and gleaning from Matthew's account also in Matthew 17:20).

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