Becoming Strong in Faith

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The synoptic gospels all record an account of Jesus healing a demonised boy after the disciples were unable to do so. The story is powerfully instructive as to why sometimes our faith can be so weak (or even non-existent if we're honest!) and Jesus gave us the clues of what to do about it! In this message pastor Dave unpacks the passage in Mark chapter 9:14-29 (and gleaning from Matthew's account also in Matthew 17:20).

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Becoming intimate with God

"Become intimate with Him, in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go."  Proverbs 3:6 TPT We have been fasting as a church community for a week and a half now and the sole aim is to become more intimate with God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). A quote I read said this; "Fasting is an outward expression of an inward commitment to pursue God."  When we are fasting, we are pursuing more of God by putting aside the things that our flesh craves and wants, and take the time to become more intimate with God.  How do we become more intimate with Him?  We spent time WITH Him, we spend time LISTENING TO Him, and we spend time with UNDIVIDED ATTENTION ON Him.  In this message,  I am focusing on two times in the New Testament where fasting is spoken about; one time is in Luke 4:1-14 when, after He was baptised, Jesus goes into the wilderness and is…

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